1. Gymnast Information Card / Safety Waiver Letter
Please fill out the Gymnast Information Card / Health Questionnaire carefully and return it to your instructor. These are found in the lobby of the Gymnastics Center.
Please read the letter on the back of the Gymnast Information Card carefully, sign it and return it to your instructor. Discuss with your child the potential risk involved in participating in gymnastics. Proper precautions should be taken. Gymnastics class is not a time for horseplay; it is important to pay attention and listen to the instructors. It is not a good idea to practice gymnastics skills on the playground or at home. Gymnastics should be practiced in a proper facility with experienced instructors. We take every precaution to prevent injuries. Students will not be allowed to participate in classes until the Gymnast Information Card and Safety Waiver letter is signed and returned.
2. What to wear
For safety reasons, we require the following attire when taking gymnastics class. Girls- Please wear a leotard to class. We do not require any particular color or style. Extra clothing hinders movement; therefore no t-shirts or baggy shorts are allowed. No footwear is needed. Tights are acceptable as long as they do not cover the feet. Boys- We ask that boys wear a t-shirt and shorts to class. Please do not wear jeans or long pants.
3. Arrive at the gym 5-10 minutes prior to class.
For safety reasons, students who are more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed to join the class. Before class, students should wait in the lobby. The instructors will come to the lobby to escort the students into the gym. This is important as we have many classes running at the same time. Absolutely, no unsupervised use of the equipment is allowed. Please pick up your child no more than 10 minutes after class is over. Written notification by a parent should be given to the coach if the student will be walking home, or being picked up by someone other than his/her parent.
4. For the safety of the gymnasts, spectators are not allowed in the gymnastics area.
If you would like to observe classes, please sit in the viewing area upstairs. During preschool class hours this area may not be available, because the noise level has been disruptive to the classes. We understand that this may be an inconvenience, however we wish to provide a quality gymnastics class for all of our participants. When observing classes, please be sure to watch any siblings that are with you. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO PLAY ON THE EQUIPMENT IN THE PRESCHOOL AREA BEFORE, DURING OR AFTER CLASS.
5. Make-up Policy
We allow missed classes to be made up on a limited basis. Prior arrangements should be made by calling the Gymnastics Center and leaving a message on the answering machine. Gymnasts may make-up a class by choosing another time slot at their same level. Class times are posted in the Gymnastics Center lobby. Please leave the gymnasts name, class that he/she participates in, and the day/time that you would like to come for the make-up class. You will receive a call back only if there is a problem with the make-up time you have chosen. We will allow no more than 2 make-ups per session. Classes must be made up within the same session. Classes canceled by Roseville Gymnastics due to inclement weather or other conflicts will automatically be rescheduled. Typically we will extend the session one week to make-up for the missed class.
6. Weather Cancellations
Information regarding cancellations due to inclement weather conditions will be posted on the Youth Activity Weather Line: 651-792-7411. When possible, the Parks and Recreation office will also send out an email notification to all students. Be sure to have a current email on file when you register for classes. You should also be aware that if the school district cancels school or after-school activities, it does not necessarily mean that our gymnastics classes will be cancelled.
7. Non-Resident Fee
An $8.00 non-resident fee will be added to all class fees for those participants who do not live in Roseville.
8. Progress System
Starting at the very beginner level, there are basic skills on each event that the gymnast should master. The gymnast should be able to consistently perform these basic skills with proper technique before moving to more difficult skills. Each level has a series of skills and progressions. Each levels skills build upon the skills from the previous level. On the last class of each session, a recommendation card will be sent home with the student showing the skills/progressions that the gymnast has been working on, as well as which level he/she should sign up for next session. The average time spent in each level is 2-3 sessions.
9. Questions?
The instructors will be available before or after class to answer any questions that you have about your child’s progress or his/her class. Feel free to talk to your child’s instructor at this time. We are looking forward to an exciting year and are glad your child is taking classes with us. Questions about our program or registrations should be directed to Kristy Phillippi, Program Coordinator.